Annoyed with Bed Bugs Problem? Give It a Forever Break

How to get rid of bed bugs at home

Bed bugs are the tiny nocturnal insects that multiply in minutes. These creepy-crawly bugs can infest every corner of a house. They belong to Cimicidae family, feeding on blood and are more commonly found in warmer climates. You would be seeking for how to get rid of bed bugs at home, so here is the solution to all your worries of bed bugs. Bed bugs are basically active in nights and for the daytime, they use desks, drapery, headboards, artwork frames, linens, nightstands, clothing and of course, your mattress to hide.

A bed bug can possibly pierce the skin of its victim and draws blood using its two hollow tubes and feeding on the host for five minutes. A person may be unaware at the time she/he is being bitten but will get to know through potential skin infections, allergic reaction, red and itchy welts etc.

The common signs of bed bug are bites on the body and sight of dried blood, bed bug skin and eggs.

Here is a list of some remedies for how to get rid of bed bugs at home that control the further breeding of bed bugs.

Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

  • Diatomaceous Earth

Spread this chemical free powder around your house or on the area where bed bugs nest. This product will take more than 10 days to kill bed bugs but the mortality rate is higher than 90%. Even, the tiny amount of DE can extremely destroy these bugs by dehydrating them. You can add this powder into cracks of walls and spaces around the bed to get rid of these bugs.

Diatomaceous Earth

  • Baking Soda

Baking soda is helpful in absorbing moisture from the body of bed bugs due to its drying properties. The antimicrobial properties of soda can help in destroying bed bugs. Spread some baking soda around the crevices and cracks or wherever you find bugs, it one of the easy ways to get rid of bed bugs.

Baking Soda

  • Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper has in-build antimicrobial properties that assist to kill bed bugs. All you need is cayenne powder, oregano and grated ginger, take 1 tsp of each and boil these. Strain and spray this solution around the entering spaces of your rooms and areas where bed bugs may hide. This solution has smell that drives the bugs away and prevents them from spreading.

Cayenne Pepper

  • Steam Treatment

Get your mattress, carpets, cushions steamed if you want to get rid of these irritating bugs. These can’t survive in high temperature, minimum 113 degrees Fahrenheit (F) is required for them. Steam permeates through these materials and destroys the bugs to some extend and prevents their eggs from surviving.

Steam Treatment

So,these were the few tips on  how to get rid of bed bugs at home.

You can also read:  What Should Be Done If a Dog Bites ?

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