An Invention in The Technical World: Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Before anything let’s try to understand what Augmented reality mean? It is real-time use of information in the form of graphics, audio and text, integrated with other virtual enhancements of real-world objects.

If we come to know about AR then the term is coined by Boeing researcher Thomas Caudell in 1990, to describe how the head-mounted displays that electricians used when assembling complicated wiring harnesses worked. Now-a-days one of the biggest confusion is the difference between AR and virtual reality in the world of reality. Though both are earning a lot of attention through media and are promising tremendous growth in both the parts. So, let’s see what is the difference between virtual reality and AR?

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is an artificial, computer-generated simulation of a real-life situation. It plunges the person by making him/her feel like they are experiencing the artificial reality in a present go, primarily by stimulating their vision and hearing.AR is a basically a digital filter and a user interface for the physical world. It is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real world. Whereas, virtual reality creates a complete artificial environment for the user but AR uses the existing environment and overlays the fresh information on top

Augmented Reality

A “real world” factor differentiates AR from virtual reality, as it integrates, adds value to the user’s interaction with the real world, versus a simulation. VR offers a made-up digital recreation of a real-life circumstance, while AR gives virtual elements as an overlay to the real world.

AR as an interface technology, surpasses the vertical applications, transforms, extend the way employees and consumers interact with companies and brands. The initial goal of Augmented Reality is to create a system where a user cannot make difference between the actual world and the digital augmentation of it. These days this artificial amplified reality is used in entertainment, engineering design, military training, robotics, manufacturing and other industries.

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